As against what many people in America think, movie remakes are not that offensive. In fact, it is the opposite for us and we like remakes. Somethings just need updating sometimes and Nollywood movies could use some updating. The only possible way to do that is making old Nollywood movies all over again. Remakes for us mean re-telling original stories that were badly told.
How Nollywood can get ahead by re-making old movies
The future of Nollywood can be better with remakes as they will have the opportunity to tell old stories better and in better qualities. Re-making old movies can bring Nollywood closer to the Oscars than ever and here’s why.
Originality from old Nollywood stories: Old Nollywood stories like those told in ‘Love in Vendetta’ which starred Zack Orji are among the most original stories we still have in Nollywood. Sometimes coming up with new stories can be difficult, as you don’t know what has been told before. So it might be best to just rewrite a story like that of ‘Oluwa-Bumi’ (starring Uche Osotule) and remake it.

Better Acting: Actors today in Nollywood are taking many different lessons to perfect their acting abilities. They can perfect old performances and will make viewers believe them more.
Original Characters: Osuofia and characters from popular Nigerian soap ‘Papa Ajasco’ are among the oldest characters Nollywood has. They have always been a reference point for best and original Nollywood characters. The industry has been trying to keep these characters alive and remakes can help with that.

When you consider these three items, you see that they are among the recipes that make a movie good. If Nollywood uses the opportunity that remakes present, they could get closer to the Oscars than ever imagined. We also don’t want these stories to be lost, or forgotten and want to use remakes to tell them better.
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