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Making Nigerian Movies And The Necessary Etiquettes On Film Sets

Nigerian movies sets

Nigerian movies sets

What you should do on Nigerian movies sets

Film sets do have etiquettes that both the cast and crew members are to adhere to. These set rules are to direct people on the correct procedures when working.

Etiquettes should come naturally with people who have been thought morals. However, everyone tends to fall out and we have seen that happening on film sets while working on Nigerian movies.

Everyone on the film set notices your every move. It is in your best interest to follow these etiquettes if you want to be on the good list of directors and filmmakers.

Be patient, be honest, be efficient and don’t slow down the set with personal feuds. Some people are just too difficult to work with and we have seen a lot of them. But you can hold on just for as long as the project lasts.

Corrections for the common omissions by many cast and crew members of Nigerian movies on film sets

Nigerian movies sets
Make yourself available always, you could be needed at any time.

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