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Nollywood Crime Drama ‘Oloture’ on Netflix – Who Profits From Trafficking?

Oloture Netflix (Photo: NaijaonNetflix)

Oloture Netflix (Photo: NaijaonNetflix)

Intuitive depictions of human trafficking in Nollywood movies like in ‘Òlòturé’ is rare for the most obscure reasons. This crippling issue which ‘Òlòturé’ divulges is prominent in the country with at least one in 10 families lose a family member to it. Who should be blamed? Watch ‘Oloture’ on Netflix on October 2, 2020. It is available worldwide.

‘Oloture’ on Netflix

Òlòturé is a titular character played by Sharon OoJa, an undercover Nigerian journalist but also slightly naive to the operations of the racketeers’ human traffickers. In the most uncomfortable and unlikely environments, she would make friends that she could trust.

To complete her mission, her dignity and standards in life must also yield to certain depravity and there is no going back.

Without many details, it is still evident that the economy does grow on the money made from human trafficking. ‘Òlòturé’ manages to answer some of the questions surrounding this societal menace, not all, and it is altogether perfectly entertaining.

‘Òlòturé’ is on Netflix worldwide on October 2, 2020. Kenneth Gyang is the director is this Nollywood crime drama ‘Òlòturé’.

‘Oloture’ Cast

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