Moving to America as a 10-year-old, Uche Aguh struggled with maintaining his identity as a Nigerian. Going forward, he found himself in one of the top American Universities pursuing a career in medicine.
However, he started becoming emotionally attached to his patients, so he quit his medical studies to become a filmmaker.
Aguh is among the young filmmakers who want to make characteristic movies in Nollywood in order to recreate the industry.
Uche Aguh is the founder of 55media and it is solely for the purpose of celebrating his identity through filmmaking.

‘The House Invictus’
The story behind this movie was born out of depression and frustration Aguh suffered after the failure of his movie production in 2017.
“The House Invictus” explores the psychological elements of being a black man in America. It delves into the shared history and the experiences of the black folk in America, both modern, and past.
The film stars Jarius Sowells, Kayode Akinyemi, Vincent Ramirez, Thiree Pinnock, Julian Horton, Obum Nwankwo and J. Shawn Durham.
Characters in “The House Invictus” represent the black race and their gruesome slave narrative. These characters represent reincarnated souls of slaves.
The fraternity house featured in the movie represents slaves entrapment.
Aguh had said that “The House Invictus” is his biggest undertaking ever as a filmmaker. The never-ending enslavement of the black race is psychologically traumatizing every black man in America today, he noted.

‘The House Invictus’ points to white supremacy.
As a child in Nigeria, Uche Aguh said he had no knowledge and never understood racism before he came to America.
Having been in America for most of his life, he has become aware of this issue, consequently, he developed a desire to talk about it.
Aguh said he is ready to stir up conversations with this storyline without concern for who this might make uncomfortable. He wants to give the audience the opportunity to analyse it as well as further it.