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Black History Films to Watch this Month

black films (Photo: Unsplash)

black films

For the rest of February, events will be happening all around the US to celebrate Black history and ancestry. Films and art exhibitions, as well as talent shows by schools, churches, and museums, are non-stop this month. We are all a part of the black history and it is important to celebrate with the black heroes and achievers. Some movies have also been made to honor the strength of the black on . Here are some of the best Black history films available for streaming.


Ruth Negga and Joel Edgerton star in “Loving” as Richard and Mildred Loving whose interracial marriage violates the constitution. It is based on the 1967 US Supreme Court Loving v. Virginia decision. At the time interracial couples were dehumanized. However, the reverse becomes the case as the Loving couple would change history forever. The film is available for buying and streaming on Amazon. It will leave you with an experience of a lifetime.

black films: The Loving family photographed in 1967
The Loving family photographed in 1967


Selma is an Oscar-winning film which retells the story of a march led by Martin Luther King Jr. in 1965. Following the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the march was aimed at helping the charge for black suffrage. Black Americans at the time were subject to intense abuse and surveillance. However, they assembled and gained strength in their number for greater achievements.

Black Films: British-Nigerian actor David Oyelowo starring as Marthin Luther King Jr. in the movie "Selma"
British-Nigerian actor David Oyelowo starring as Marthin Luther King Jr. in the movie “Selma”

12 Years a Slave

“12 years a Slave” is an adaptation of the 1853 memoirs of the same name by Solomon Northup – the character portrayed by Chiwetel Ejiofor. The author was kidnapped and sold into slavery where he went through years of brutality. His life begins to change when he meets an abolitionist from Canada.

British-Nigerian actor Chiwetel Ejiofor starring in “12 Years a Slave”

Many More Great Black Films

Packing the black history all in one place is impossible. But with these three films, you can explore and experience the Black history and some of the most notable events. They also shed light on some familiar names.

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