There is always that one song that gives you great enthusiasm and takes you out of the world. You put every other song on hold and let that one play repeatedly. Sometimes you can’t explain why. But there is a cathartic reason you would want to repeat a song like ‘Lenge Lenge’, ‘Emotions’ along with other Nigerian music.
The human brain processes music like it processes language. It also treats music in a special way. This is the reason why you tend to have your finger on the repeat button for that new song, even though sometimes it takes years for you to completely understand the music you have repeated over a thousand times.
Your brain loves it when it keeps hearing something new and nice. So how your brain chooses to place these songs is personal and it depends on how they make you feel.
‘Emotions’ – Runtown
‘Emotions’ by Runtown is for all kinds of music lovers. It takes you into the world of the singer and his interest in a woman. The beat pumps you up and gets you dancing.

‘Lenge Lenge’ – Patoranking
This is a 2019 song from Patoranking’s Wilmer album. It is a mix of dance and Afrobeat. The lyrics makes references to slim women and by perception, they are the singer’s kind of women. ‘Lenge Lenge’ is real Nigerian music – symphonic and catchy!

‘Mr. Vendor’ – Korede Bello
How a piece of particular music makes you feel is important. The feeling you get from listening to songs like Korede Bello’s ‘Mr. Vendor’ is one that connects you emotionally to the bittersweet moments of life. This is the kind of music that never goes stale even after years of listening.
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