This last decade appears to have shaken the world of movies with lots of significant controversies that will take a while to annihilate. Inclusion raised...
Film buffs have all been excited at the new diversity of the Academy Awards. However, the recent decision by the Academy to disqulify 'Lionheart' from...
New Oscars submissions from African countries are becoming more frequent these last years. Until the 42nd Oscars when Algeria submitted a film for the first...
Genevieve Nnaji is seeing a lot of attention lately because of Lionheart. The Netflix blockbuster is attracting new Nollywood fans from all over the world....
The organizers of the Black Reel Awards recently announced the nominees for several award categories. In the "Outstanding World Cinema Motion Pictures" category "Lionheart" is...
2018 was a great year for Nollywood and we were all pleased by the new developments. Genevieve Nnaji made a record-breaking movie. Hakeem Kassim was in Nigeria to help train...
It is finally here! The long-awaited directorial debut of Genevieve Nnaji, and first original Netflix Nollywood Movie. Lionheart was recently made available for viewing on Netflix and...
The Lionheart trailer gives a preview for what to expect from Genevieve Nnaji's directorial debut, Lionheart. The Nollywood movie is dealing with many social issues,...
Watch the Genevieve Nnaji Lionheart Q&A session that was hosted during the premiere of Genevieve Nnaji's directional debut for her movie Lionheart. It all took...