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Who Is To Blame For The Level Of Violence In Nigerian Movies?

The Level of Nigerian Movies

The Level of Nigerian Movies (Photo: Fernando Aguilar/ Unsplash)

Aren’t all Nigerian movies violent in nature? We worry that both filmmakers and audience lack an understanding of how screaming, yelling, guns and fighting fall in that range. Maybe they are just neglecting it and prefer not to argue on the rising level of violence in Nigerian movies.

Does the level of violence in Nigerian movies equal its effects?

Of course, an action or ghetto Nigerian movie is pointless without violent scenes. Also, arguments in drama movies are also intrinsically tied to violence.

But in the name of increasing audience engagement and tackling boredom, certain directors in Nollywood are raising the levels of brutality in movies. But can they be blamed when viewers are voluntarily asking for more sadism and cruelness?

For the viewer, the thrill and suspense and the adrenaline rush they get are delightful. You can’t control the level and nature of violence filmmakers add to Nigerian movies. However, you can control what you and your kids watch with these ideas.

The Level of Nigerian Movies
Did Nigerians ask for Violence in movies (Photo: Pawel Janiak/ Unsplash)

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