A series adoption of the six film-franchise, Resident Evil is coming to Netflix. There have been some speculations around this topic for a while but...
Chadwick Boseman Movies On Netflix The rave of the Black Panther movie, which features Chadwick Boseman as a legendary black hero didn’t go away the...
Lucifer season 5 is broken into two parts with the eight-episode part 'A' being released globally on Netflix on August 21st, 2020. What's on Netflix...
Streaming services continue to fill their space with good movies despite the challenge in releasing Nollywood movies these days. Netflix just released one of its...
American family drama 'Greenleaf' which employs church business as its backdrop has been successful in the US and Canada. Since 2016 it has aired on...
The 93rd Academy Awards arrangements, just like most things have been interrupted by the coronavirus pandemic. To make sure that the crises don't stop the...
Legendary singer Kenny Rogers has been confirmed dead by his family early Saturday, March 21. The country singer and songwriter passed away aged 81. Rogers...