Showing off on social media is a trend that will certainly give you a leap in your acting career. However, it is also the fastest way for Nollywood actors to lose authenticity, and never get roles in any movies.
Social media is a bargaining chip to getting jobs in Nollywood as casting directors need that data to offer actors roles in Nollywood movies. It is a guarantee that their film will be seen by at least a large portion of your followers after production.
They will use your account to promote their movies. If an actor who has a million followers appears in a movie, there is a good chance that at least 100,000 of them will see that movie. So, currently, social media following defines the level of an actors stardom. Also, to stay relevant and connected to fans, actors in Nollywood need social media.

How Social Media Following Work For Actors In Nollywood
Acquiring social media following in Nollywood is becoming a scuffle. Moreso, handling a social media account is turning into a disaster. Younger actors have been fooled into thinking that sharing everything they do will be their route to stardom. Hot and sexy photos have become the biggest trend. Many younger actors think they can get to get to the top just to make headlines with their sexy photos.
What you share reveals a lot about you, so you should always share those that show you at your best. Be mindful what you share and be positive when you share photos. You never know which director will see it. If you have a sexy photo, that is how they will always remember you. The main danger it poses to younger actors in Nollywood is that they are now more interested in reaching online fame. They want to acquire social media following at the expense of building their skills.
Getting Roles In Nollywood Movies Always Depend On The Actors
Rather than focusing on the negatives, start taking positive actions on social media today. There are other ways that you can harness the power of social media. One of them is scouting for information in your career path and grow your knowledge daily in the field. Know the people who call the shot and get connected with them. Build your credibility and visibility, but not with sexy photos and negative comments. The more value you add, the more likely you will be appreciated.
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