In the past, local FM stations used to be the best tools to discover new music. However, apps and music sites have quickly replaced that method and discovery is done in a whole new way. You discover music as well as learn about new artists while on the move. This helps to broaden your cultural scope. The streaming sites here work all over the world and are the best ways to discover new music from Africa. However, some streaming app or more may not be available in your area, but you can always utilise the available ones.
Where to discover new Music from Africa
Pitchfork Media – This blog is useful in finding new African Music and international collaborations. They share both artist interviews, music news and reviews daily.

The Filter – You are offered a whole new experience with The Filter. The system employs your listening history to sort out and personalise a collection of songs that suits your taste.
Awdio Stream – There are apps where you can listen to live music stream from clubs. Awdio is one of such apps and offers live music from more than 60 clubs all over the world. You get to hear what clubs in Africa sound like.
Shazam – If you run into any tune or sound while on the go, Shazam can help satisfy your curiosity. It tells you about the song and artist.
Imeem – On Imeem, singers and fans come to promote records as well as to share and discover music and videos.

The Sixty One – New artists add their music to The Sixty-one and people who help others listen to good music get rewards on The Sixty One.
One Llama – Different radio stations have different playlists. On this app, you get to explore a radio playlist by entering the name of an artist in the search box. You will discover new music from Africa if you enter the name of an African artist. A list of radio stations that play the artist’s music is revealed to you.
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