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Cinemas in Nigeria

Cinemas in Nigeria Set to Break Box Office Record

The Nigerian movie industry is now making a decent amount of good movies. While this can be debated, we must appreciate that the movies are better than they ever were. Nigerians do pride themselves in the movie industry, which we all agree has unique possibilities. Now’s the time to begin to see Nollywood differently as they work towards improving quality and budgets. Many of the most recent Nigerian movies have also proven that they are mastering the art of good quality to get validation for once. So, currently, it’s biggest drags isn’t quality as many might think, it’s a lack of cinema houses and piracy. The industry may be able to solve two of these problems with one solution, establishing more cinemas in Nigeria.

Cinemas in Nigeria

The movie industry in Nigeria has and is still suffering within the maze of the unpleasant blueprints crafted by the film pirates. They rob filmmakers from time to time and hence test their resilience daily.

However, there are higher hopes for the industry as filmmakers are becoming wiser. Investors are also pitching in as they have proposed new cinemas for the country soon. Having new movie theatres will hopefully cut down piracy while growing the industry’s revenue.

Nigeria will see an all-time high in the box office revenue this year. The record for this year is already about 25% above the previous year’s record. This number, however, is still just a drop in the ocean by global standards. So having more cinemas in Nigeria will bring the country even closer to a new box office record. With the help of the newly created Cinema Exhibitors’ Association, the industry will henceforth, be able to gather data for accurate box office records.