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How to Act in Nollywood

How to Act and Get Roles in Nollywood Now With Little Efforts

The job if an actor goes beyond putting on costumes, wearing makeups or masks and reading scripts. If you expect to act, or get a call back after auditions and get roles in Nollywood movies henceforth, try upgrading. There are ways that you can do that.

Learn and observe the lives of different people

Observe the attitudes of different people and how they behave and speak. This will not only expand your knowledge and hell you act better, but it will also teach you about people.

Perform every character you have ever observed

Find a large mirror for this purpose and begin illustrating all the different ways people react to things. Try blending one character at a time with different emotions and facial expressions to see how it works.

How to Act in Nollywood
Get a mirror and practice (Photo: Unsplash/yulia pantiukhina)

Use your interaction skills

Having interaction skills is useful to get an acting role. You will have no difficulty knowing how to communicate or act with anyone in Nollywood.

Listen to the director’s instructions

Don’t fabricate anything new when the script or the director does not require it. It is solely the job of the director to add or eliminate any item include you if you go against him/her.

Deliver your lines flawlessly

You only give back to the director what’s in the script and must work on your lines.

Don’t fidget, be bold and compose yourself

You have a greater chance of landing a role if you know how to polish your look and speech. Low self-esteem is bad for your career.

How to Act in Nollywood
Be bold (Photo: Unsplash/

Overacting is a bad way to act

You don’t need to overact to make a point and we have said that before. React with a smooth facial expression, speak like in are in a real situation of your own and sometimes just pause. Not every moment requires an instant reaction.

Never look at the camera or audience concentrate on your partner

If the script does not require you to at the camera, then don’t pay attention to your partner and always be real.

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