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Kannywood and Nollywood should merge (Photo: Pixabay)

9 Reasons Why Kannywood and Nollywood Should Merge

Nigeria is home to two acclaimed African movie industries, Kannywood and Nollywood, located in the north and east respectively. A merger of the two as an entity is not something to be neglected. We are talking about creativity, talents as well as stories merging together. It will simply bring the Nigerian film industry more recognition as the producer of the movie “Zero Hour” noted. Usman Adeyemi is a keen supporter of the merger. He believes a merger of Kannywood and Nollywood would be mutually beneficial. For long, he has been the only known person that is making movies that mix all tribes up. If we want Nigerian movies to be of international standard, every tribe should work together. It’s time to unify!.

Why Kannywood and Nollywood Should Merge

  • Nigerian movies will become more diversified if a merger were to happen. Films coming from the industry will no longer be designated to one tribe/language. For an industry like Hollywood, unity is their strength.
Kannywood and Nollywood should merge (Photo: Pixabay)
Unity is strength (Photo: Pixabay)
  • The Nigerian film industry will be able to penetrate untapped areas of storytelling and filmmaking styles as one big industry. Just like film noir and the composite shot is to Hollywood, the Nigerian film industry has a lot to explore and conquer together.
  • The merger will fortify the Nigerian movie industry as a leader in Africa while maximizing profit.
  • As one body, it will be easier for the regulatory bodies to censor as well as check piracy and other misconduct in the sector.
  • Nollywood on its own is already reaching the global market. So, the merger will enable its global audience access into the lifestyle of other Nigerian tribes.
Kannywood and Nollywood should merge (Photo: Pixabay)
Tribal Unity in the Nigerian film industry (Photo: Pixabay)
  • The existence of the industries as separate entities only encourages more discord among the country’s people. So, the merger will go a long way in ending disunity.
  • Making a movie that will display the varied culture of the Nigerian people will allow the world to understand and respect the differences in Nigeria.
  • Joining forces will mean Kannywood and Nollywood will unify against any competition. The Ghanian film industry and many more movie industries in Africa are growing. A merger will make the Nigerian movie industry strong enough to always stay at the top as Africa’s leader. Also, merging will eliminate competition between the Nigerian industries. Kannywood and Nollywood are similar in size, so they can act as equals after the merger. They do not have to be rivals.
  • A merger will provide a stronger financial position for independent filmmakers. This will allow the Nigerian film industry to focus on quality rather than quantity, as there will be less need to produce low-budget indie films.

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